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About Birds & Nature


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Photo Credits: Wes Timmerman
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Photo courtesy Hilary Turner

Tues Jan 14, 6 pm, MST

Learning to Use eBird & Merlin!

Hilary Turner

Research Biologist, Teton Raptor Center

Free and Open to All!

Mystified by the magic of Merlin?  Can't figure out the "e" in eBird?

These are two of the most useful tools for birders but for some of us it's hard to figure out the best (and/or) easiest ways to make use of them.  Join local bird enthusiast Hilary Turner for a virtual, interactive presentation, during which Hilary will teach participants how to use the community science tools eBird and Merlin. These two digital products from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology bring the world of birds into users hands, making these wonderful creatures more accessible than they have ever been to the general public. Learn how to use these tools effectively, while giving the most back to the scientific community that uses the data. Whether you are a new birder who has never heard of eBird, or a veteran eBirder, you will likely gain something from the variety of tips and tricks Hilary will provide. 


Hilary Turner has been birding since childhood and is now a Research Biologist at Teton Raptor Center. She is a strong community science enthusiast who has contributed to eBird and other portals since 2011. She is an eBird reviewer in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, sits on both the Montana and Wyoming Bird Records Committees, and was an early participant in the development of Merlin as a sound analyst.

To gain the most from this presentation, Hilary invites you download theFREE eBird and FREE Merlin mobile apps to your mobile device. Exploring the apps prior to the presentation will enable participants to ask substantive questions they have regarding the technology.  You may also wish to to create a Cornell Lab account here (annual paid subscription) which gives you to access these excellent resources on birds and birding:  Birds of the World, Bird Academy, Great Backyard Bird Count, Macaulay Library of sound, pictures and video, NestWatch, Project FeederWatch.  In addition, Cornell Lab's All About Birds is free!

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Photo Credit: Wes Timmerman
Upcoming Programs!

Tue. Feb. 11 - The Remarkable Recovery of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear: Biology, Science, and Management - Dr. Frank T. van Manen, Team Leader of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team​​


Tue. Mar. 11 - Teton Plants Program - Sagebrush Habitat Microbiology​​

About Jackson Hole Bird & Nature Club

We offer free programs and information about wildlife in Jackson Hole and surrounding areas.

Everyone is invited to attend.

Subscribe to our email newsletter for program announcements and invitations.

Host & Partner

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Photo Credit: Susan Marsh
Nature & Science Tuesdays

Many thanks to

Teton County Library
Teton County Library Foundation

for hosting

Jackson Hole Bird & Nature Club
and Teton Plants

second Tuesday of each month at 6 pm

Presenting on
6 pm

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Geologists of
Jackson Hole

Presenting on
6 pm

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Jackson Hole Bird &
Nature Club

Presenting on
6 pm


Teton Plants

Teton Chapter, Wyoming Native Plant Society
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